In The Sky Blog

Crime Prevention at Home

Homes that are easy to target are hotspots for thieves. The more vulnerable your home

What Can Hackers Do With Your Information?

We believe that protecting yourself in the form of self-defense and home security is important.

Do You Know the Trouble with Oversharing Online?

Protecting your family goes far beyond protecting your home with surveillance cameras and home alarm

Choosing the Right Security Camera for Your Needs

There is a certain level of degree in security for every sector of an entity. For

Three Layers of Defense

An acceptable home security system is usually protected in layers of defense. This keeps its

You Need a CCTV, Here’s Why!

There are many commercial owners that bypass the opportunity to use a CCTV because they

Home Security Don’ts Part II

On our previous entry, we talked about the different types of home security don’ts that

How to Safely Open The Door

It might be a habit to answer the door to anyone who comes knocking. Most of

Home Security Don’ts

Thieves are always on the look out for their next victim, and we want to

Common Home Security Mistakes Part I

Every sixteen seconds, a home is burglarized in the United States. About one-third of these

Your Home Security New Year’s Resolution

Have you made your home security New Year’s Resolution? Take a look back at all

The Pros and Cons of Having a Roommate

Having a roommate has its own benefits when it comes to savings and company. When

Protecting Your Home During the Holidays

Just around Thanksgiving, a woman by the name of Bella Coleman has had her home

Home Security and Living on Your Own

Gone are the days when your roommate’s piled up dishes, dirty laundry and other hassles

Protect Yourself and Get Vaccinated!

Home Security isn’t the only thing that should catch your attention this season because there

Best Places to Hide Security Cameras

Home security doesn’t just stop at home alarms for the purposes of detecting an intrusion.

Best Hiding Spaces for Your Valuables

Burglars don’t just go into a home without a plan in mind. In many cases,

Why Home Security in Las Vegas Is Needed

Home security in Las Vegas is one of the most important things that a family

Why You Should Lock Your Doors At All Times

At In the Sky, we help many keep their homes safe from thieves and intruders,

Security System Offers Peace of Mind

It’s important to have peace of mind when it comes to knowing that your home

A Real Life Story of Break-In

Here’s a real-life story of a real break-in that happened to one of our customers